Why do we believe in the Trinity?

Why do we believe in the Trinity?

As an evangelical Christian, Biblical Christians, born again Christians, whatever you want to call us, a lot of people are under the impression that we are required to believe in the Trinity because the Council of Nicea told us to, or something like that. That’s … Read more

Was God ever flesh?

Jesus became flesh, but what about God the Father? Was he ever flesh? The Bible tells us in John 4 that, “God is spirit.” And in Luke 24:39 it says, “That a spirit has no flesh and bone.” In fact, when it comes to the … Read more

What does “Son of God” mean?

What does "Son of God" mean?

What does the phrase, “Son of God” mean? Does it mean that God the Father literally had a son? The answer that question is just plainly no. The phrase “son of” doesn’t mean that someone literally has to be born from someone. In fact, around … Read more