What happens at ABC during the Summer?

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From June-August we switch Gears at ABC. As it warms up outdoors, we engage in community outreach, events, and activities. Our connection Groups and other Bible studies resume again in September.  If you are wondering how you may get involved at ABC this summer, here is description of our summer activities and gatherings.  

  • Summer Outreach– In the Month of June and July we set up a Church booth at community events and reach out to our community by handing out bottled water, candy, making balloon animals, etc. If you want to help volunteer, we have a spot available for you. We make ourselves available to share with others about our Church family and about the Lord. We want anyone who approaches our booth to be loved and appreciated for stopping by to grab a drink or to talk to us.  If you want to be involved please contact Jared Clark @ (801) 874-8269. The dates for outreach are June 13, 26, 27 and July 24th.


  • Summer Camps– Throughout July we run summer camps for Kids going into 3rd Grade-12th Grade. If you want to volunteer as a leader Please call the church and let us know you are interested (801) 341-8789. If you want details or if you are interested in signing up your child, you can go to www.gracehavenbiblecamp.com. The camp dates are July 5-10 for Grades 9th-12th, July 12-16 Elementary Camp Grades 3rd-5th, July 19-23 Middle School Camp 6th-8th Grade. If you register before June 14th you will receive a $10 discount per child.


  • Small Group Bible Studies– Throughout the Summer we will host a few midweek Bible studies. One study called Living in Utah. It shares some good insight on how to live out your faith in Utah. A second study is called Transitions. This is a class that is only made available for those who have left a religious background and have become believers. Details on when these studies will begin are announced weeks in advance.


  • Summer Cookouts– We have two large cookouts in the park. June 28th at Lehi Sports Park and August 16th at our Baptism Cookout along the Jordan River.


  • Baptism Sunday– Every year we host a large Baptism event on August 16th at Willow Park in Lehi on the Jordan River. If you are interested in Being baptized  or want to learn about baptism, in August we will announce the opportunity to participate in a short class that will explain baptism and how to be baptized.


  • Couples Retreat Night– We will have a couples retreat on July 20-21st. It is during the same week as elementary camp. This can give parents the opportunity to have their own retreat while their little ones may be away at camp. Further details will be given in July.


  • Journeymen Men’s group– Our Men’s Group will be meeting throughout the summer. Events will be posted. A men’s overnight campout is scheduled for August 14-15. Details on events will be given throughout the summer on facebook and at the church information counter.


  • VBS– in August we will host a Vacation Bible School for Kids. Details will be given as the time draws near. If you would like to help out with VBS please see Katie Dobson.


  • Ladies Group– The Ladies the group will meet for activities and fellowship at various times throughout summer. Details will be made available as needed on facebook at the church information counter.


  • Alpiners (over 50) Group– If you enjoy fellowship among your peers and you are over 50 this is the group for you.  Age is only a number and living young is something this crowd does well. They will be meeting in various locations throughout the year and the details will be given as the events arrive.