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We are a church that encourages thinking… If you have a question that you’d like answered, or a theological issue that’s been bothering you, we’d love to hear from you.

Did Jesus go to Hell for three days?

Did Jesus go to Hell for three days?

Nathaniel Wall
We recently were asked a great question concerning the death of Jesus and what happened to him after his death. Did he go to hell for three days? Where was Jesus? I think the quick answer for that is: no. Jesus did not go hell. ... Read more
Will I recognized loved ones in heaven?

Will I recognize loved ones in heaven?

Nathaniel Wall
You may have lost someone recently and maybe you’ve wondered: will I see them again or will I recognize them in eternity when I get to heaven?
Where is Paradise?

Where is Paradise?

Nathaniel Wall
We recently had asked of us a great question about Jesus as he’s being crucified. In Luke 23, he looks at the thief beside him and says, “You will be with me this day, in paradise.” Where is paradise? What is paradise? I think the ... Read more
How do I have a relationship with God?

How do I have a relationship with God?

Nathaniel Wall
Just want to take some time, with you, to explain one of the most important questions that we could answer for you in your relationship with God and that’s just simply answer the question, how do you know you have a relationship with God? This ... Read more
Has the Bible been preserved?

Has the Bible been preserved?

Nathaniel Wall
One common question we often hear is, “Has the Bible been preserved or has it been perverted over generations?” Sometimes people will use something that we refer to as “the telephone game.” We are in the 21st century now and the Bible was finished at ... Read more
Why do we believe in the Trinity?

Why do we believe in the Trinity?

Nathaniel Wall
As an evangelical Christian, Biblical Christians, born again Christians, whatever you want to call us, a lot of people are under the impression that we are required to believe in the Trinity because the Council of Nicea told us to, or something like that. That’s ... Read more
How do I maintain my walk with Christ while going through crisis?

How do I maintain my walk with Christ while going through crisis?

Richie Gibson
This is a big question. It affects all of us, because all of us at some point will go through crisis. James tells us that in James 1, “consider it all joy when you go through crisis”, not if you are going to go through ... Read more

Was God ever flesh?

Nathaniel Wall
Jesus became flesh, but what about God the Father? Was he ever flesh? The Bible tells us in John 4 that, “God is spirit.” And in Luke 24:39 it says, “That a spirit has no flesh and bone.” In fact, when it comes to the ... Read more
How do I interpret the Bible?

How do I interpret the Bible?

Nathaniel Wall
When you are reading God’s Word it’s important to answer the question: how can you understand it, as it was intended to be understood? Meaning, sometime we can read God’s Word and walk away with a different ideas then what God ever desired for us ... Read more
Why should I read the Bible?

Why should I read the Bible?

Nathaniel Wall
If you are starting a relationship with God want to know him and grow in him more and experience him in life and you’re asking the question, “How can I find know him?” The answer is pretty easy for us and taking those initial steps ... Read more