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What does "Son of God" mean?

What does “Son of God” mean?

Nathaniel Wall
What does the phrase, “Son of God” mean? Does it mean that God the Father literally had a son? The answer that question is just plainly no. The phrase “son of” doesn’t mean that someone literally has to be born from someone. In fact, around ... Read more
What does "Jesus Christ" mean?

What does “Jesus Christ” mean?

Nathaniel Wall
What does the name “Jesus Christ” mean? Well, Mary didn’t just wake up and decide to name Jesus, “Jesus Christ.” The name by which we call him is actually a title that points to his identity and for the purpose in when he came. The ... Read more
Why is Jesus called the "I Am"?

Why is Jesus called the “I Am”?

Nathaniel Wall
What does it mean in scripture that Jesus is called the “I am”? In the book of John, John centers the theme of his book around this phrase, the “I am”. This “I am” is used at least eight times within scripture, starting in chapter ... Read more
Why is Jesus called the "Son of Man"?

Why is Jesus called the “Son of Man”?

Nathaniel Wall
What does it mean that Jesus calls himself the “Son of Man?” Well, Jesus declared that He is God and the Bible also tell us that he became flesh. In John 1 it lays out both of those claims in verses 1 to 4, it ... Read more
Is the Bible true?

Is the Bible true?

Nathaniel Wall
How do you know the Bible is true? That is a great question, because it is the foundation from which you learn about the Lord. It’s important. And the Bible, when you think about it, is a pretty powerful resource. It remains the most printed ... Read more
Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God?

Nathaniel Wall
Is Jesus eternal God? The Bible tells us in John 1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And in verse 14, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” So not only does John ... Read more