Not Shaken

Not Shaken

Discusses maintaining faith in the face of life’s challenges. It emphasizes trusting in God’s unshakable kingdom despite the transient and shaky nature of earthly life. Encourages us to find strength in Jesus, particularly in times of uncertainty or difficulty, and to understand the importance of community and support in our faith journey. It highlights the idea that true stability and hope are found in a deep, personal relationship with God.

What is Zion?

What is Zion?

Delves into the biblical concept of Zion, contrasting it with Mount Sinai. It explores the meanings of these two symbolic locations, emphasizing Zion as a metaphor for God’s presence and grace in the New Testament, in contrast to Sinai’s representation of law and judgment. Highlights the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, where Zion signifies a spiritual journey towards a deeper, grace-filled relationship with God.

Audience of One

Audience of One

Discusses living faithfully for God, not for human approval. Emphasizes the importance of focusing on Jesus and running the race of faith with endurance, despite life’s challenges. Explores the idea of living for an “audience of one,” i.e., God, rather than seeking validation from others. It encourages us to find our strength and purpose in Christ, and to view our faith journey through the lens of God’s strength and guidance.

The “D” Word

The "D" Word

Focuses on the theme of discipline in the Christian life. Drawing from Hebrews 12, it discusses how God’s discipline is not about punishment but about nurturing and training for spiritual growth and maturity. Emphasizes the importance of seeing discipline as a positive force, shaping believers to live in accordance with God’s will. It also highlights the distinction between punishment and discipline, stressing the fatherly nature of God’s guidance.

Running the Race

Running the Race

Focuses on enduring faith and draws parallels between athletic discipline and spiritual perseverance, emphasizing the importance of focusing on Jesus as the ultimate goal and source of strength. Encourages believers to lay aside distractions and sins, and to run the race of faith with endurance, inspired by Jesus’ example. It stresses the importance of consistent faith and commitment to God’s purpose in our lives.