Joy in the Broken

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Be Anxious for Nothing

Explores the theme of overcoming anxiety through faith, based on Philippians 4. It discusses trusting God instead of worrying, using prayer and thanksgiving to find peace, and how Paul's teachings offer practical ways to replace fear and anxiety with peace from God.

Obsessed Over One Thing

Focuses on prioritizing a relationship with Christ above all, emphasizing that true Christian life involves knowing Jesus intimately and relationally. It encourages letting go of past failures and focusing on spiritual growth through a personal connection with Christ.

God is a Cubs Fan

Discusses how contentment in Christ contrasts with the world's approach, which often revolves around external achievements and religious adherence. Paul argues for a focus on inner faith and joy in Christ, which surpasses all worldly gains and leads to true fulfillment beyond mere religious observance.


Emphasizes unity within the church, asserting that unity is achieved through humility, according to Philippians 2. It discusses the importance of avoiding grumbling and arguing to present a united, strong front, reflecting God’s unity and shining as lights in the world.


Discusses unity in the church, highlighting the importance of humility and service to others, based on Philippians 2. It encourages maintaining joy and unity through Christ, despite external pressures and conflicts, emphasizing how genuine community and cooperation reflect God's intent for His followers.

A Van by the River

Examines how Paul’s contentment, while imprisoned, showcases spiritual freedom and strength in Christ, transcending physical circumstances. It emphasizes embracing spiritual growth and purpose, regardless of life's challenges, by focusing on faith and God’s plan.

A Messy Grace

Discusses how the grace of God operates amidst life's complexities and messes. Emphasizes that grace is present because our lives are inherently messy and broken, and God's grace is what brings transformation and redemption.