Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Discusses the significance of baptism, referencing scriptural passages to explore its meaning within the Christian faith. It emphasizes baptism as a public declaration of faith, a symbolic act of dying to the old self and rising anew in Christ.

The Sabbath

The human soul needs to find time to rest in Christ. We were created for His purpose. (Gen 1:26-27; 2:7; 1 Corinthians 10:31) It is impossible to live as Christ calls us to live by separating ourselves from others. Jesus made us to glorify him … Read more

Are You Feeling Drained? Consider a Sabbath

Rainy Window

It is hard to live life when you feel like your cup is empty. Sometimes our lives just feel drained and we think “Do I have anything left to give?”. My first question would be, well are you taking the time to enjoy a Sabbath. … Read more