Parents and Children

Parents and Children

Discusses family roles and obedience within a Christian context, focusing on Ephesians 5 and 6. It covers the importance of husbands loving their wives, wives submitting to their husbands, children obeying parents, and parents not provoking children to anger.



Explores the concept of submission within marriage as outlined in Ephesians 5, emphasizing mutual respect and love. It addresses misconceptions and the importance of serving each other in a relationship, mirroring Christ’s love for the church. Encourages both spouses to support and uplift each other, highlighting the spiritual and practical implications of these biblical principles in building a healthy, God-centered marriage.

The Dance

The Dance

Explores the role of husbands in marriage, as outlined in Ephesians 5. It emphasizes the importance of loving one’s wife as Christ loves the church, focusing on selfless sacrifice and leadership in nurturing and honoring the wife. Also delves into practical ways husbands can express this love through daily actions, emphasizing the significance of prioritizing their wives’ spiritual well-being and growth.