Romans 9:30-10:13

Romans 9:30-10:13

The Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 10 that the gift of salvation is open to all who will simply receive it. It has nothing to do with our performance but with the work Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.

Romans 9:14-29

Romans 9:14-29

Does God harden people’s hearts? Paul responds to this hot button question in Romans 9 and examines how the human heart responds to the sovereignty of God. It’s only because of the grace of Jesus that we have any standing before God.

Romans 9:1-13

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 9:1-13

In Romans 9, Paul deals with the complex issue of salvation and the sovereignty of God and how He is at work in all things.

Romans 8:31-39

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 8:31-39

Through Christ our future is made secure, and we can place our hope in that. God loved us so much that Jesus gave His life for us. This world will throw a lot of stuff at us, but nothing can ever separate us from the love of Jesus.

Romans 8:12-30

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 8:12-30

Jesus offers us the gift of being adopted as children of God and the ability to have a deeply personal relationship with Him. When the struggles of life threaten to overwhelm us, we can call, “Abba!” “Daddy!”

Romans 8:1-11

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 8:1-11

As we begin Romans 8, Paul examines the new life we have through the Holy Spirit. We are no longer slaves to our sinful nature; we have been raised from death to life.

Romans 7:13-25

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 7:13-25

In Romans 7, Paul wrestles with the tension believers feel between their fallen human nature and the work of Christ in their lives.

Romans 7:1-14

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 7:1-14

As we look at Romans 7 we see warnings for Christians who lose sight of what a walk with the Lord is all about.

Romans 6:16-23

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 6:15-23

In our human nature, we can respond to God by either becoming rebellious and saying no to the rules, or becoming religious and trying to follow all the rules. Fortunately, Jesus gives us a third option though grace in a relationship with Him.

Romans 6:1-14

Romans: More than Conquerors: Romans 6:1-14

In Romans 6, the Apostle Paul talks about the newness of life that we have through Jesus. Through His sacrifice, we have been brought from death to life and made new in Him.