Cultural Collision

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Doing Spiritual Battle

Doing Spiritual Battle

It addresses the complexities of spiritual warfare, highlighting the invisible battles behind physical realities. Discusses how Daniel's prayers and humility before God played a crucial role in the spiritual realm, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God during struggles. It underscores the power of prayer and the need for understanding spiritual dynamics in life's challenges.
Holding to Jesus in Prophecy

Holding to Jesus in Prophecy

Focuses on understanding biblical prophecy, particularly in the context of eschatology. It emphasizes the complexity and varied interpretations of prophecy, highlighting the importance of humility and an attitude of seeking truth. It discusses the role of prophecy in pointing to Jesus Christ and its significance in understanding God's plan. Encourages exploring scriptural passages for deeper insights, rather than passively accepting teachings.
Praying Powerfully

Praying Powerfully

Discusses powerful prayer through the context of Daniel 9. It emphasizes Daniel's dedication to prayer during challenging times and his reliance on God's promises and scripture, particularly Jeremiah's prophecy. It explores how Daniel's humble, consistent prayer life provides a model for modern believers, showing the importance of faithfulness, humility, and reliance on God's word in prayer. It encourages us to seek God earnestly in prayer for strength in present trials and hope for the future.
A Little Bit of Hanukkah and Whole Lot of Crazy

A Little Bit of Hanukkah and Whole Lot of Crazy

Discusses Daniel's life in the context of the Babylonian siege, his faithfulness to God amid cultural conflict, and the prophetic visions he received. It delves into the apocalyptic and symbolic nature of Daniel's visions, particularly chapters 7 and 8, highlighting the imagery and interpretation of eschatological events. Addresses common misunderstandings of biblical symbols and emphasizes the need to understand their original context. It also explores themes like the antichrist and the spiritual battle between good and evil, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of these biblical passages.


Discusses Daniel 7, focusing on eschatology and interpreting apocalyptic literature. It emphasizes the symbolic nature of such texts and the importance of understanding symbolism rather than taking it literally. Explores the historical and theological context of Daniel's visions, particularly the imagery of beasts representing different empires and the "Ancient of Days" as a figure of divine judgment and authority. Underlines the complexity of prophetic texts and the need for careful interpretation.
Pray in the Gap

Pray in the Gap

Discusses living faithfully in a culture that conflicts with Christian beliefs, using Daniel's story as an example. It emphasizes Daniel's unwavering devotion to God despite challenges, highlighting the power and importance of prayer in influencing one's culture. Encourages individuals to stand firm in their faith and make a positive impact in their personal sphere, much like Daniel did through his consistent prayers and trust in God.
The Fall of a Kingdom

The Fall of a Kingdom

Delves into the theme of pride as the central conflict in cultural collisions and personal relationships with God. Illustrates this through the stories of Kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, emphasizing how pride led to their downfalls. It highlights the importance of humility and acknowledges the challenging nature of addressing pride, both in oneself and in teaching others.
Bow to Babylon

Bow to Babylon

Focuses on Daniel Chapter 3, highlighting the faith and courage of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. It emphasizes their refusal to bow to a golden idol despite the threat of death, showcasing their steadfast faith in God. The narrative explores themes of cultural pressure, loyalty to God over worldly rulers, and the power of standing firm in one’s beliefs, even in the face of immense adversity. Encourages us to stay true to our faith regardless of societal expectations or pressures.
Colliding with Adversity

Colliding with Adversity

Explores Daniel's response to challenges and cultural conflicts, contrasting it with typical human reactions. It emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance outside oneself, relying on faith rather than personal pride or authority. It draws lessons from Daniel's experiences in Babylonian captivity, illustrating how faith can guide and sustain individuals through adversity and cultural clashes.


Examines the Book of Daniel, particularly focusing on Daniel's life in Babylonian captivity. It discusses the cultural and spiritual challenges faced by Daniel and his companions, emphasizing their commitment to God in a foreign land. Explores the themes of faithfulness, identity, and resistance to cultural assimilation, highlighting the relevance of these biblical lessons in contemporary life. It encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith, even when surrounded by conflicting cultural values.