Light the Dark

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Jesus and My Regrets

Jesus and My Regrets

Do you have regrets in life? We all do, and when we consider John 21, we can be sure Peter had regrets about his denial of Jesus. But, Jesus responds to him with grace and brings healing to their relationship. We can confident that God’s grace is always greater than our regrets.
Thomas: Doubting to Driven

Thomas: Doubting to Driven

After his resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples bringing them a message of peace in the midst of their chaos. Thomas had a hard time accepting what he was seeing, but Jesus is gracious with him.
The Resurrection

The Resurrection

We examine what makes the resurrection the pivotal point in all of human history, and the hope we can discover through it each and every day.
Burial of Jesus

Burial of Jesus

We dive into the symbolism and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy found in the death and burial of Jesus. We also rejoice that this isn’t the end of the story, as we know He rose from the dead.
It Is Finished

It Is Finished

What Jesus is saying to us is that the plan for which he came has now been completed. Jesus came to this world to give his life as a ransom for many. The cost for your life so that you could have a relationship with God for all of eternity. Jesus paid it all.
The Crown of Thorns

The Crown of Thorns

In the concluding chapters of John, the apostle reflects on his close bond with Jesus, emphasizing the significance of the cross in shaping faith.
Jesus or Barabbas

Jesus or Barabbas

Every day we're faced with choosing who we will follow. We can rest our lives on the solid truth of Jesus, or the world around us and the shifting sands of culture and relative truth.
Wrong Road or Right Path

Wrong Road or Right Path

Explores how individuals often face choices between following God's guidance or pursuing wrong paths influenced by fear, acceptance, and emotions. Using the story of Peter's denial of Jesus, it highlights the importance of making decisions based on truth, faith, and humility, rather than succumbing to fear, peer pressure, or emotional responses.


In John 18, Jesus refers to himself a number of times as, "I am He". There is a lot of meaning packed into this short phrase.
Jesus Pray For Us

Jesus Pray For Us

Delves into the significance of Jesus' prayers for believers, particularly in John 17. It emphasizes the importance of prayer in Jesus' life and teachings, highlighting how Jesus' prayers demonstrate his care and concern for his followers. Explores how Jesus, even in his final moments before his crucifixion, prioritized praying for others, showing his enduring love and commitment to his disciples.
Praying Like Jesus

Praying Like Jesus

Focuses on emulating Jesus' approach to prayer, particularly as demonstrated in John 17. It discusses the intimate nature of Jesus' prayers and the importance of aligning one's prayer life with God's heart and Word. Encourages believers to develop a close relationship with God to enhance their prayer life, following Jesus' example of praying with sincerity, faith, and a focus on glorifying God rather than seeking personal glory.
Full of Joy

Full of Joy

When the troubles and pain of life are upon us, it can be overwhelming. But it's important to remember the hope we have in Jesus.
Refuse to Fall

Refuse to Fall

Discusses persevering in faith and avoiding spiritual stumbling, as guided by John 16. It emphasizes Jesus' teachings about facing adversity and the importance of staying faithful to God's path. Highlights the challenges and choices faced by believers, encouraging them to rely on God's presence and promises for guidance and strength in difficult times.
When the World Hates

When the World Hates

When we align our lives with Jesus, we will face conflict when it comes to the things of this world. In this passage, Jesus reminds us that we shouldn't be surprised when we face adversity but know that he has provided the Holy Spirit to help us.
Stay Connected to the Vine

Stay Connected to the Vine

Emphasizes the importance of remaining in a close relationship with Jesus, likened to branches connected to a vine. Discusses how abiding in Jesus leads to a fruitful life, contrasting this with the barrenness of a life disconnected from Him. Highlights the transformative power of this connection, ensuring spiritual growth and the manifestation of God's love and purpose in one's life.
Do Works Greater Than Jesus?!

Do Works Greater Than Jesus?!

Discusses the idea of believers doing greater works than Jesus, as mentioned in John 14:12. It explains this concept not in terms of the quality of works but in their quantity and impact through the collective effort of all believers. Emphasizes the power of trust and relationship with God, the significance of prayer in Jesus' name aligning with His will, and the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers to fulfill God's purpose globally.
For The Troubled Heart

For The Troubled Heart

Delves into the guidance offered by Jesus in John 14 or those facing heartache and uncertainty. It emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus and God during challenging times, highlighting the assurance and hope found in faith. Explores the idea of not letting one's heart be troubled by focusing on the credibility and promises of Jesus, encouraging a deeper trust in Him for peace and direction during difficulties.

Victorious Christian Living

Addressing the challenge of living a victorious Christian life, emphasizing the spiritual vulnerability individuals face, especially in adversity, and the tendency of Satan to exploit weaknesses. Provides insights on maintaining a strong relationship with Christ, recognizing the spiritual implications of our actions, and the empowerment of believers through the Holy Spirit to fulfill God's purpose.
What You Should Do With Clean Feet

What You Should Do With Clean Feet

Focuses on Jesus' act of washing his disciples' feet in John 13. It emphasizes humility, servant leadership, and the importance of continually seeking forgiveness and closeness with God. The sermon interprets the foot washing as a metaphor for Jesus' sacrificial love and a call for believers to practice humility and service in their daily lives, fostering a deeper, ongoing relationship with God.
Dinner with Jesus

Dinner with Jesus

Jesus demonstrates the power of genuine leadership in John 13. He does this by putting people before before position, and treating everyone with humility, compassion and love.
5 Truths for Troubled Souls

5 Truths for Troubled Souls

When our soul feels troubled we need to remember these five important truths to find peace in a troubled world.
The Triumphal Entry

The Triumphal Entry

Jesus creates quite a stir when he enters Jerusalem in John 12. Have you ever stopped to consider why? Here's a hint: it's not until you find something worth dying for that you find something worth living for.
Mary Anoints Jesus

Mary Anoints Jesus

Centers on the biblical story of Mary anointing Jesus with perfume in John 12. It discusses Mary's act of worship, highlighting its selflessness and extravagance. Contrasts Mary's genuine worship with Judas Iscariot's deceitful objection to her actions. It emphasizes the importance of true worship in the Christian life, focusing on the themes of devotion, sacrifice, and the heart's condition before God.
Raising Lazarus

Raising Lazarus

In John 11 we see Jesus demonstrating the glory of God in raising Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus and the Father are One

Jesus and the Father are One

At the end of John 10, Jesus made a simple statement that enraged the crowd around him, and they picked up stones to kill him. This statement remains critical to our understanding of who Jesus truly is.
How Good is the Good Shepard?

How Good is the Good Shepard?

Focuses on Jesus' teachings in John 10, where Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd. Explores the concept of Jesus as a shepherd compared to other leaders who are depicted as imposters. It highlights the intimate and personal nature of Jesus' leadership, emphasizing His knowledge of each individual and His guiding role. Underscores the contrast between Jesus' protective and nurturing approach and the destructive intentions of others, illustrating the spiritual safety and abundant life found in following Jesus.
Was Blind But Now I See

Was Blind But Now I See

Is it ever okay to spit on someone? That's exactly what Jesus does to the blind man in John 9. This man was ostracized by the religious leaders and his community, but Jesus reaches out to him with love and grace.
Live Free

Live Free

In John 8, Jesus points out that we are slaves to sin, but we can all find freedom, truth and meaning in Him.
The Light of the World

The Light of the World

When Jesus said "I am the Light of the World" in John 8, this struck a nerve with the religious leaders. There is so much significance in that phrase that it would have sounded like a thunderclap to the people of Israel. His words affirmed Him as the Messiah.
Condemnation and the Gospel

Condemnation and the Gospel

John 8 recounts the story of the woman caught in adultery. The religious leaders were trying to trap Jesus in a legal argument, but He cuts right through it and gets to the core issue.
Not The What But The Who

Not The What But The Who

When it feels like the world around us is falling apart, Jesus stands as the absolute source of truth and light in the midst of chaos, confusion, and shaky foundations.
The Significance of Feasts

The Significance of Feasts

There are seven different feasts that are celebrated by the Israelites in the Bible. We examine the significance of each and how Jesus is the fulfillment of them all.
Eat Jesus

Eat Jesus

After the feeding of the 5,000, the crowd had a number of questions for Jesus that are telling about where their priorities were at. His response pointed them to be satisfied in Him and lay aside their selfish desires.
Faith Through The Storm

Faith Through The Storm

When the disciples get caught in a storm at night on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus teaches us all the importance of keeping our eyes on Him and not letting fear drive us.
Worship When You Struggle

Worship When You Struggle

When Jesus feeds the 5,000, he's not only filling their stomachs, he's also delivering a strong message to all of us about the sufficiency we can find in Him.
Healthy Conflict

Healthy Conflict

When we face conflict in life, how do we respond? In John 5 we get an example of Jesus in conflict the religious leaders and how he approaches it with a heart of compassion and truth.
Pick Up Your Mat and Walk

Pick Up Your Mat and Walk

When Jesus heals the sick man at the pool, he's not only transforming this man, but giving us all an important message.
Cling To His Word

Cling To His Word

What happens when tragedy strikes our loved ones? These are the circumstances facing the official's son at the end of John 4 and we see Jesus touching this man's family.
The Scandalous Grace Of God

The Scandalous Grace Of God

We examine Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 and the powerful message we can learn from this.
The Strength of Humble Faith

The Strength of Humble Faith

Our human nature struggles with pride and getting an inflated view of ourselves. But as John 3:30 says, "He must increase, but I must decrease" and we discover the strength of humble faith.
Life Over Death

Life Over Death

We're all familiar with John 3:16, but have we ever really taken the time to examine what Jesus is telling us in this section of the Bible?
Do Not Waver

Do Not Waver

Jesus goes a little crazy on the sellers and money changers in the temple. We examine his response and how that applies to us today.
Jesus Makes Wine

Jesus Makes Wine

Today we are examining Jesus' first miracle when he turned water into wine at a wedding feast and the lessons we can learn from that.
The Story of Us

The Story of Us

In the midst of all the chaos and turmoil of the world around us, we are reminded that we need to keep our focus on Jesus.
What Made John Great?

What Made John Great?

Today we examine how God used the life of the John the Baptist in such a great way.
Why Jesus?

Why Jesus?

Join us as we continue our series on John and ask the question, why Jesus?
The Word of Light and Life

The Word of Light and Life

Join us as we begin a new series on the Gospel of John.