Did Jesus go to Hell for three days?

Did Jesus go to Hell for three days?

We recently were asked a great question concerning the death of Jesus and what happened to him after his death. Did he go to hell for three days? Where was Jesus? I think the quick answer for that is: no. Jesus did not go hell. … Read more

Where is Paradise?

Where is Paradise?

We recently had asked of us a great question about Jesus as he’s being crucified. In Luke 23, he looks at the thief beside him and says, “You will be with me this day, in paradise.” Where is paradise? What is paradise? I think the … Read more



In this Easter sermon, we emphasizes the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection and highlight Jesus’ statements on the cross. We see how Jesus willingly gave up his life for our salvation, offering us the opportunity to drink deeply from the living water he provides.



Palm Sunday marks Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem amid great fanfare. Exploring Luke 23, the crucifixion unveils the darkest yet victorious day, fulfilling Biblical prophecies, and the profound fulfillment of Jesus’s sacrifice for us on the cross.



Focusing on Jesus’ seven statements on the cross and the eternal impact of the cross.

Why do Christians wear a Cross?

Cross necklace

The Crucifix (aka the Cross) is gruesome. Those who were sentenced to die on a cross could spend days hanging in torture before the arrival of death. The cross not only punished criminals, it also served as a warning to others desiring to commit a … Read more